Visual Basic 60 Video Tutorial 40 Videos Download
Part 1: Video tutorials of for beginners – download for free. By Vaibhav Kanwal IN Geek Stuff Last Updated: 18/11/ 2011. Visual Basic Video – Part 1. Visual Basic Video – Part 2. Download Project: Visual Basic Project. Lesson 7: Getting to Know the.NET Framework.
Contents: What Is Visual Basic - Installing The Visual Basic IDE - Getting Familiar With The IDE - Hello World - Primitive Data Types - Comments And Whitespace - Errors - Variables - Math Operators - More On Math Operators - Getting User Input - Creating A Basic Calculator - If Statement - Else If And Else - Nested If Statements - Conditional Operators - Logical Operators. Concatenate Strings - Get Length Of Strings - SubStrings - Formatting Strings - Replacing SubStrings - Comparing Strings - Select Case - Select Case Else - For Next Loop - Exiting For Loop - Continue For - Do Until Loop - Do While Loop - Exit Do Loops - More On Do Loops - Nested Loops - The Infinte Loop - Introduction To Windows Forms - Form Properties - ToolBox. MessageBoxes - MessageBox Input - Input Box - User Defined Subs - Functions - ByVal - ByRef - Optional ByVal - Coercion - Exit Subs - Events - Global Variables. Lecture 1: Visual Basic Tutorial - 1 - What Is Visual Basic. Installer toolbox code vivint 10.
Microsoft Visual Basic.NET Video Tutorial Author - Mark Long / Certified Instructor Total Time - 6 Hours Microsoft Visual Basic has evolved throughout the years, but has steadily remained one of the most popular programming languages today. Visual Basic.NET is undoubtedly the most significant change to occur to Visual Basic yet. Significant new features include: unity of programming models, extension of the program to include mobile device capabilites, Performance Counters and Server Explorer, flashy new capabilities in Windows Forms, anchoring controls, opacity and transparency properties, and much more. In this six hour tutorial, Microsoft Certified Instructor Mark Long will introduce and expand upon Microsoft Visual Basic.NET and what users can do with it.
Simply click one of the topics below to start learning today! 01 Introduction 0101 Welcome 02 Course Descripton 0201 Course Description 03 Welcome to.NET 0301 Welcome to.NET 04 VB6 User Information 0401 VB6 User Information 05 NET Framework 0501 General Description 0502 Obtaining 0503 Installing 0504 Documentation 0505 Common Language Runtime 0506 MSIL 0507 ISDLAM 0508 Which Language? 0509 Namespaces 06 VB.NET 0601 Farewell DLL 0602 Assemblies 0603 Manifest 07 Visual Studio 7 0701 IDE 0702 Display Real Estate 0703 Graphical Layout 0704 Files And Extensions 0705 Various Windows 0706 Line Numbering 0707 Code Regions 0708 Installation Issues 0709 Building Projects 0710 Tasks 08 Types 0801 What is Type-Safe? 0802 Value 0803 Reference 09 Data Types 0901 What is a Data Type? 0902 Different Data Types 0903 Data Type Issues 10 Classes 1001 What is a Class? 1002 Blueprint for Object 1003 Encapsulation 1004 Abstraction 1005 Creating a Class 1006 Constructors 1007 Using a Class 1008 Class Specifiers 11 Re-Using Classes 1101 Inheritance 1102 Interface 1103 Implementation 1104 Fundamentals of Class Design 12 Shared Members 1201 What is a Shared Member? 1202 Creating Shared Members 1203 Using Shared Members 13 Properties 1301 Global 1302 Fields 14 Methods 1401 What is a Method?
1402 Creating Methods 1403 Types of Methods 1404 Subroutines 15 Functions 1501 What is a Function? 1502 Creating a Function 16 Overloading 1601 What is Overloading?
1602 Overloading a Method 17 Overriding 1701 What is Overriding? 1702 Overriding Methods 18 Shadowing 1801 What is Shadowing? 1802 Shadowing a Method 19 Events 1901 Events In VB6 1902 Events in VB.NET 1903 Handling Multiple Events 1904 Using a Class 20 Delegates 2001 What are Delegates? 2002 Using a Delegate 2003 Delegate Example 2004 Types of Delegates 21 Modules 2101 What is a Module?
2102 Creating a Module 22 Structures 2201 What is a Structure? 2202 Creating a Structure 23 Garbage Collection 2301 How GC Works 2302 Dispose 2303 Finalize 24 Threads 2401 What is a Thread? 2402 Spawning Threads 2403 Threading Issues 25.NET and XML 2501 What is XML? 2502.NET and XML 26 Web Services 2601 What are Web Services? 2602 How Do They Work?