Pl2303 Eeprom Writer Utility Software
Data on the amount of budgetary allocations directed to the development of special economic zones are given in accordance with the law on the federal budget. The regulatory legal base is analyzed in terms of the relations arising in the process of financial support of management companies and residents of special economic zones. The author also substantiates the necessity of normative consolidation of the concept of 'financial and legal regime of special economic zones', formulates its definition, and calls a number of problems concerning this legal regime. On the basis of the analysis of judiciary practice concerning infringement of the legislation regulating activity of museums, it was possible to reveal a number of the reasons promoting illegal use of museum subjects in commercial objectives without the permission of the management of the museums. Akt brakerazhnoj komissii v shkole obrazec 10.
However, to make matters even more annoying, the PL2303 chip, which typically identifies itself as VID 067B and PID 2303, reports PID 0609 in this device, making it impossible to recognize this as a standard serial to usb converter. The easiest solution for this is to modify the drivers so that they identify also with that PID. In Linux this and as I write this PID 0609 is already associated with the pl2303 driver by default.
In Windows some inf modding does the trick. Download the drivers from the, install them and use search for the file ser2pl.inf. This will typically reside in a folder containg 4 or 5 files.
PL2303RA USB to Serial Bridge Controller Datasheet. EEPROM Writer and User Manual. Windows Driver Installer Setup Program (For PL2303 HXA, XA, HXD, EA, RA, SA.:2303 EEPROM programmer prolific pl2303xeepromwriter_v1003 PL2303 EEPROM Writer program Prolific PL2303 EEPROM Writer utility software mgMibBrow-11_0j.
You can copy this folder as one if you want to keep it as a single 'driver package'. Inside the inf, replace all occurences of of PID_2303 with PID_0609 and use the Device Manager to assign the driver to the modem. For me, this worked in Windows XP but not in Windows 7 64 bit. After some searching around, it seems that the PL2303 can be connected to an EEPROM chip for some customisation (just like the FTDI converter chips). Any non-standard USB PID is written in there. If you want to change it back, you need to rewrite this EEPROM. This can be done from within Windows using a tool I found on but the only prerequisite is that the device is already recognized as a PL2303 USB to Serial converter.

So in my case I had to rewrite the EEPROM from within Windows XP with a modified.inf driver. Below is a screenshot of the EEPROM writer after pressing the read button on the non-modified usb modem. Just change PID to 2303 and write everything back. You can find a copy of the tool in the attachment section under this post.
HI, OK, I have spent quite a while with this now and I can confirm that my laptop and desktop are both doing the same thing. I programmed a chip (16F628A) without code protection using MPLAB and PicKit 3. The chip programmed and verified. I then read the chip using your software and board - the read looked good as far as I can tell. Using a second chip I erased it and then attempted to program it using the code I had just read from the mplab programmed chip.
It generated the error at the end indicating that the EEPROM had a problem. Using the laptop and desktop side by side I can confirm that the flash code looks good but the EEPROM has not programmed correctly - exactly as the error reported. I also tried it with a different USB cable on the laptop, result was exactly as above. If you are able to read the devices ok then this narrows it down to a programming issue. From the information you have given us you have managed to rule out a lot of possibilities and so you may want to consider returning it back to us for testing.
If you decide to do this please email us a sales @ referencing your order number and will provide you with information and terms on how to return it back to us. If the board is faulty we can cover return postage fees. If you don't want to return it just yet, and you have a multimeter, you could try to measure the RA5/MCLR/VPP pin whilst the device is being programmed to see if it is at the correct voltage.