Estey Organ Serial Numbers
Tri Wheel Dollies. Why do I get passionate about Tri Wheel Dollies.? It’s nice to make a buck, but that’s not the reason. It protects the piano from the legs snapping or falling off, but damage to the piano is not where the passion comes from, nor is it saving the institution money.
The serial number may also be stamped into the back top rail. Figure 7 shows serial number 128289 stamped into the back top rail of an Estey parlor organ. IMPORTANT NOTE: In Figure 7, the 3-digit and 4-digit numbers stamped into the top rail are not serial numbers. The serial number has 5 or 6 digits.
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It comes from the knowledge that I might have saved a guy like Jay (in the photo) from being injured when the leg snaps or falls off and having to walk with a limp for the rest of his life. (Or worse) Now I know when Jay and others are rolling the 800 pound grand piano, everyone will be safe.